夯实桩机 | 发布日期:10-01-24 |
河北新钻钻机有限公司(原河北省新河钻机厂)系国家中型企业,1971年建厂。主导产品为系列桩工机械、水工机械。桩工机械:KQ潜水工程钻机、CFG步履式长螺旋钻机、JKD挤扩式工程钻机、旋挖式钻机、地下连续墙成槽机、潜水式砂泵等10大系列30多个品种的机械产品和基础施工。成孔直径:300-3000mm,最大钻深130m。累计向国内岩土工程界提供近万台“新钻”牌钻机;水工机械产品:启闭机有螺杆式和卷扬式。螺杆式启闭机有手动、电动、手电两用式及全封闭式和双吊点式,从0.3-30吨共三十多种规格,卷扬式启闭机有单吊和双吊5-63吨.共十多种规格,平面铸铁闸门从0.2M X 0.2M --4.0M X 4.0M五十多种规格,钢板闸门从1.5M X 1.5M--10M X 10M十多种规格.亦可按用户要求定做.企业占地面积六万平方米,建筑面积三万平方米,具有年产500台各类桩工机械产品的能力。 公司坚持科研、制造、施工“三位一体”的发展,创立了具有自身特色适合企业创新发展的运行机制,拥有科研主体一河北省岩土施工技术研究所;制造主体一河北新河新钻有限公司;施工主体---河北省第三基础工程公司。 公司研究所负责新产品、新工法开发及研究,并与国内十几家科研院所建立了长期友好合作关系,每年可研发2—3种新产品、新工法投入市场。
公司营销部负责产品销售和施工,具有完善的质量保证体系,确保向用户提供高质量的产品和周到的服务。 公司基础公司负责新产品、新工法结合工程的试验考核,可以独立承接各类基础工程的施工,排降水工程。 产品销往国内30个省、市、自治区,广泛应用于桩基土木、路桥交通、市政建设、海港码头、高层建筑、堤坝防渗、水利水电、水库灌区、水产养殖、盐业生产等基础工程。
He Bei Xin Zuan CO.,Ltd.(former He Ber Province Xin He Drill Factory)is one State-scale enterprise.It has becn founded for more than thirty.Its leading product is series pilework machinery.The thousand sets of “Xin Zuan” brand drill have been supplied to the engineering field of rock and soil in bomeland.company occupies the area of60,000 spuare meters and building area of 30,000square meters.Company has the ability to manufature500sets fovarious kinds of pileworkmachinery per year.
Company insists on the “three-positions in an interal”developing strategy of research,manufacture and constrution,The management system with our particular has been created to suitable for the development and creation of enterprise.It possesses the main body of science research-Her bBer province Construction on Rock Technology Institute;the main boby of manufacture-He BEL XIN Zuan Co.,Ltd.and main body of constuction-He Bei province Third Foundation Engincering Company.
30glorious years without srdinary course,we doubled confidence,look to the future opportunities and inches.We will srrive to size,quality and coordinated developmeng not enterprise mission work.pay,perseverance and development,to spirits,aggressive posture challenge brighter tomarrow.Here,lwould like to ask the love and support of frien dscompanies express my sincere gratitude!!!
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